Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sony PS3 Console Slim

Sony has launched the Playstation 3 version of the Slim. Game consoles, is more streamlined version and lighter than the older PS3 consoles. It carries a 120GB hard drive, which is an upgrade from the 80GB of storage offered on the PS3 before.

Sony has made several enhancements under the hood to increase the processing speed and power efficiency. PS3 Slim will bring an upgraded version of the Cell microprocessor, which is being jointly developed by IBM, Sony, and Toshiba.

Many gaming enthusiasts are rushing to pre-order the unit to ensure they receive a release date. PS3 slim look, as you would expect, kind of like the PS3 diet, except for the part where it is still fully featured only the price of $ 100 less. Making 33 percent smaller, 36 percent lighter, about the high, but thin, with a matte around.

Cheaper and smaller? Yes, and everyone from gamers custom homes for the automotive sector will appreciate this. This is 33 percent smaller and uses 34 percent less power to operate. A smaller processor means cheaper production costs for Sony, which is reflected in the price.

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